The Lord's Ride

Directed by Jean-Charles Hue

Written by Jean-Charles Hue

Produced by Axel Guyot

docu-fiction / western urbain / 84 min.


Jo est un jeune gitan dont la mauvaise réputation n'est plus à faire. La police n'attend plus qu'un faux-pas et sa famille, tournée vers la religion évangélique, menace de le chasser du clan. Après une énième nuit de vol, Jo revient au camp en compagnie d'un chien blanc qu'un homme mystérieux lui aurait confié. En écoutant son histoire, les gitans de la communauté sont convaincus que c'est un envoyé de Dieu qui met Jo à l'épreuve : il est sommé d'accepter cette épreuve ou de de quitter le clan à jamais.


clip 1

clip 2


HD - 35m Couleurs 1.85


Frédéric Dorkel

Jo Dorkel

Joseph Dorkel

Michaël Dauber


Image : Chloé Robert

Editing : Isabelle Proust

Production design : Christophe Simonnet

Sound : Julien Alves, Vincent Hazard, Benjamin Le Loch

Assistant director : Jean-Frédéric Chaleyat

Production manager : Vincent Bordes


Angers - Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers, France (2011)

Saint-Petersbourg - International film festival, Russie (2011)

Rotterdam, Pays-Bas (2011)

Mar del Plata, Argentine (2010)

Lisbonne - Cinéma Indépendant, Portugal (2010)

Liège, Belgique (2011)

Marseille - FID, France (2010)

New-York - The Edge Atlantic Film Festival, Etats-Unis (2011)

Timisoara, Roumanie (2010)

Paris - Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin , France (2010)

Cortopotere - Short film national and internationa, Italie (2010)

Mexico - FICC, Mexique (2010)

Montréal - RIDM, Canada (2010)

Madrid - Institut français, Espagne (2011)

Ostrava, République Tchèque (2011)

Vienne - Film Francophone, Autriche (2011)

Alba International Film Festival, Italie (2010)

Novi Sad - Cinema City, Serbie et Monténégro (2010)


Région Picardie Région Ile-de-France Centre National du Cinéma Fonds Images de la Diversité Procirep - Angoa - Agicoa

Latest news on this film

Jean-Charles Hue to be honoured

Director Jean-Charles Hue will attend the film festival 'Traversées d’Europe et d’Ailleurs' in Pontarlier on the 3rd and 4th of November. He will present both his films about the gypsy community: THE LORD’S RIDE and EAT YOUR BONES.


The Lord's Ride, directed by Jean Charles Hue, to be aired on Ciné+

To watch The Lord's Ride on Ciné + :

Wednesday , january the 24th, 20h40

Friday, january the 27th, 9h30

Tuesday, january the 31st, 15h05

Friday, february the 3rd, 9h45

More dates to come...


The Lord rides to Marseille

If you haven't seen the Lord's Ride, here comes the opportunity, on june 1st to 8th, in Marseille.

On tuesday night, the 7th, director Jean-Charles Hue will participate in a special Q&A evening.



Nice press review for our latest feature film, and 15 000 tickets sold.

To be continued...


The Lord's ride is released in France on Januray 26th

Directed by Jean-Charles Hue, produced by Axel Guyot for Avalon with funding from Centre National du Cinema, Région Ile de France and Picardie, and Images pour la Diversité, The Lord's Ride will be released tomorrow by distributor Capricci Films. The film will travel through twenty cities with special screenings in presence of the film's crew.


The Lord's ride goes to festivals

Festivals to come :

Angers (january), Rotterdam (january), Lisboa (april), Vienna (april), Saint Petersburg (july)
