Written by Tom Haugomat, Bruno Mangyoku
Produced by Philippe Braunstein, Lionel Fages (Cube Creative), Axel Guyot, Bruno Le Levier, Majid Loukil
Animation / 12 min.
Klaus is a ten year-old boy, quite lonely and taciturn, sometimes experiencing fits of passion. He is, however, passionate about entomology. His parents (mother in advanced pregnancy) both simple and humble persons, seems resigned to the austerity and instability of their son.
One night, Klaus receives the visit of a strange creature, creating confusion in his insect collection. Therefore, this entity will give no rest to the boy. The creature is growing day after day, and it becomes urgent for Klaus to get rid of this troublesome character.
Klaus, thinking hear the monster in the kitchen, rushes blindly into the room, broom in hand, to find himself face to face with his parents cuddling a newborn. At this time, he finally becomes aware of this new arrival in the family. His world collapse, but a new world awaits him.
HD Couleurs 1.85
Sound : Alexandre Poirier
Music : Sacha Galperine
Production manager : Audrey David
Outaouais, Canada (2015)
Paris - L'Inconnu Festival, France (2014)
Festival national du film d'animation, France (2013)
Aÿ, France (2013)
Saint-Petersbourg - Animation Multivion, Russie (2013)
Paris - BD6Né, France (2014)
Future Film - Animation et Nouvelles Technologies, Italie (2014)
Marignana, France (2014)
Rédené, France (2014)
Montpellier - Rencontres du court, France (2013)
Pennsylvanie, Etats-Unis (2014)
La Bourboule, France (2014)
Porto Vecchio - Cinéma & Poésie, France (2014)
Rennes - Travelling, France (2014)
Jouy en Josas, France (2013)
Genève - Animatou, Suisse (2014)
Villeurbanne, France (2013)
Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France (2014)
Nancy - Lorraine, France (2014)
Festival International du Film d'Aubagne - Alcimé, France (2014)
Ottawa - Animation, Canada (2013)
Lille - Rencontres Audiovisuelles, France (2013)
Festival International du Court-Métrage de Clermon, France (2013)
Stuttgart - Trickfilm, Allemagne (2014)
Les Nuits Magiques / Festival du film d'animation, France (2014)
Rio de Janeiro et Sao Paulo - Animamundi, Brésil (2014)
Séoul - SICAF, Corée du Sud (2014)
Oberhausen, Allemagne (2014)
Anima, Belgique (2014)
Best Sound Editing of Animated Film - Pennsylvanie, Etats-Unis (2014)
Arte Strasbourg
Short-film NUISIBLE by Tom Haugomat will be part of the Pochette Surprise exhibition at the LaM museum on the 16th and 17th of November.