Written by Caroline Pascal
Produced by Audrey David
Fiction / Comédie dramatique/ Romance / 10 min.
The key-ring" tells the story of an old Teddy bear who carries Samuel’s keys. On its way, it meets Alice…
HD Couleurs 1.85
Alice : Julie Jacovella
Alice : Agnès Ramy
Alice : Jessica Monceau
Samuel : Yvo Muller
Samuel : Amaury de Crayencour
Samuel : Bertrand Nadler
Image : Fabrice Moindrot
Editing : Philippe Raimond, Pierre Raimond
Sound : Leslie Kervella, Arnaud Rolland
Pune - Great Message, Inde (2017)
Los Angeles - White Whale Festival, Etats-Unis (2018)
Pune, Inde (2017)
Festival Paris Courts Devant, France (2017)
Hamilton, Canada (2017)
Image in Cabestany, France (2018)
Pune - Buddha Film Festival, Inde (2016)
Meilleur Scénario - Pune - Great Message, Inde (2017)
Ciné +
THE KEY-RING, written by Caroline Pascal, received the Best Sceenplay Award at Great Message film festival in Pune, India. The next screening of the film will take place on November 17th in the "At all costs" selection of the Paris Courts Devant festival.