Written by Luis Marquès, Claude Gnakouri
Produced by Philippe Braunstein
Fiction / Conte africain / 6 min.
Franck, a european botanist working in Africa for an international organization, falls deeply in love with a young and beautiful native, even as his wife and baby daughter are packing up back to Europe, expecting him to return as well. He tries to tell his wife, over the phone, that he wishes to stay.
35 mm Couleurs 1.85
Babadi : Maïmouna N'Diaye
Franck : Franck Prunier
Sophie : Cécile Besse
Image : Pascal Baillargeau
Editing : Bertrand Boutillier
Production design : Philippe Jacquier
Sound : Christian Fontaine, Michel Guiffan, Philippe Jacquet
Music : Dimitri Artemenko, Yvan Kazan, Djéli Madi Kouyaté, Aly Wagué
Assistant director : Marc Amblard
Production manager : Vincent Bordes