Written by Martin Le Gall
Produced by Axel Guyot
Fiction / Comédie / 15 min.
According to doctors, Diva will not sing. Diva and Pianist must leave the show of Shubert songs in the french pubs. It’s road movie.
35 mm Couleurs 1.66
Pianiste : Vincent Leenhardt
Diva : Sylvie Lachat
Image : Fred Nony
Editing : Nicolas Lossec
Sound : Sébastien Béguin, Jean-Noël Espie
Costumes : Pauline Pô
Assistant director : Julien Marc
Festival International du Court-Métrage de Clermon, France (2001)
Festival International du Film d'Aubagne - Alcimé, France (2000)
Rio de Janeiro - Moutain Festival, Brésil (2001)
Festival International du court métrage de Bruxell, Belgique (2001)
Kiev - Molodist, Ukraine (2001)
Vila Do Conde, Portugal (2001)
Grimstad, Norvège (2001)
Sienne, Italie (2001)
Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, France (2001)
Paris - Onze Bouge, France (2001)
Gindou, France (2001)
Metz - FIFAM, France (2001)
Festival Court Toujours, France (2001)
Rieupeyroux, France (2005)
Grand Prix - Kiev - Molodist, Ukraine (2001)
Danemarks Radio
Mini movie channel - Russie