Written by Sylvain Gillet
Produced by Axel Guyot
Fiction / comédie / 29 min.
This man has brought a rather strange disease back from Alexandria. He tells his doctor he is unable to speak except in verse. And the trouble is this disease seems to be catching…
35 mm Couleurs scope
Le Docteur : Marc Gelas
Crémieux : Patrick d'Assumçao
Image : Jean-Marc Selva
Editing : Odile Bonis
Production design : Marc Thiebault
Sound : Jean-François ur
Music : Thierry Malet
Production manager : Thomas Malsoute
Festival International du Court-Métrage de Clermon, France (2002)
Toulouse - Séquence Court, France (2002)
Contis, France (2002)
Journées Romantiques, France (2002)
France 3
ARTV - Canada
Radio Canada