Written by Yann Lebeaut
Produced by Philippe Braunstein
Fiction / Comédie fantastique / 18 min.
Two friends and a barman are chatting about unemployment and «chicks». Their imagination gets carried away and an angel in a wedding dress suddenly appears out of their dreams. But even magic is suffering about the recession and the cynical angel is badly in need of miracles.
35 mm Couleurs 1.66
Belle : Emmanuelle Grönvold
Pierre-Guillaume : Eric Sauvion
Louis-André-Baptiste : Olivier Lebeau
Le garçon : Alain Macmoy
Image : Jacques Raybaut
Editing : Marie-Hélène Mora
Production design : Rick Van den Kerchove
Sound : Pol Briand, Philippe Le Menuel
Music : Emmanuel Denis
Production manager : Luis de la Higuera
Festival Tous Courts, France (1994)
Villeurbanne, France (1994)
Meudon, France (1994)
Ciné Rencontres de Prades, France (1994)
TV 10 Angers
Canal 8 Le Mans
Canal 8 Le Mans
Canal Horizons zarch