
Directed by Louis Aubert

Written by Louis Aubert

Produced by Philippe Braunstein, Audrey David

Fiction / Comédie dramatique / 15 min.


Djal is sixteen. Like his idol Usain Bolt, he dreams of running. But Djal is sixteen.


HD Couleurs 1.85


Djal : Théo Christine

Abdourahmane : Thierry René

Lucas : Dimitri Fouque

Mme Oualem : Toufan Manoutcheri

Le coach : Christophe Kourotchkine

L'assistant : Pierre Cachia


Image : Fred Nony

Editing : Nicolas Houver

Production design : Steeve Petit

Sound : Charles Ferré, Lionel Guenoun

Music : Etienne Gauthier

Assistant director : Théo Madia

Production manager : Audrey David


New York - Downtown urban arts, France (2018)

Londres - InshortFilm Festival, Royaume Uni (2017)

Pune - Buddha Film Festival, Inde (2018)

Los Angeles - White Whale Festival, Etats-Unis (2018)

Saint-Pierre, La Réunion, France (2018)

San Sebastian - FICA, Espagne (2018)

Barcelone - BCN Sports Film Festival, Espagne (2018)

Balneario Camboriu - CINERAMABC, Brésil (2017)

Festival de cinéma émmergent d'Andorre, Andorre (2018)

Kiev - Kyiv Film Festival, Ukraine (2018)

Paris - Prix Unifrance du Court-Métrage, France (2018)

Nariobi - Kenya Sport Film Fest, Kenya (2018)

Matera Sport Film Fest, Italie (2018)

Film Festival for Children de Tyumen, Russie (2018)

Contis, France (2017)

Mumbai Shorts, Inde (2018)

Madrid - Short of the year, Espagne (2017)

Festival européen du Film Court de Brest, France (2017)

Festival International du Court-Métrage de Clermon, France (2018)

Festival International du Film d'Aubagne - Alcimé, France (2018)

Berlin - Interfilm International Short Film Festiv, Allemagne (2017)

Moulins sur Alliers - Festival Jean Carmet, France (2017)

Festival Cinéma au Parfum de Grasse, France (2018)

Cin'Ecran de Vannes, France (2017)

Festival Paris Courts Devant, France (2017)

Madrid - Alcine, Espagne (2018)

Reggio film festival, Italie (2017)

Saint-Etienne - Tournez court, France (2017)

Lille - Film Européen, France (2018)


Prix du jeune public - Contis, France (2017)

Mention Spéciale du Jury - Madrid - Short of the year, Espagne (2017)

Hors Compet' - Festival européen du Film Court de Brest, France (2017)

Prix public du meilleur espoir - Moulins sur Alliers - Festival Jean Carmet, France (2017)

Hors compétition - Saint-Etienne - Tournez court, France (2017)

Latest news on this film

9.58 in 3 fall festivals

9.58, the short film directed by Louis Aubert, continues to make his way around the world: in India (Mumbai International Short Film Festival), in the USA (Queen City Film Festival) and in Barcelona, Spain (International Athletic Film Festival).


New selections for 9.58

The shortfilm 9.58 continue his festivals journey. In France, it has been selected in Grasse and in Lille. Aborad, the film will be screened at Andorre film festival and at the Downtown Urban Art festival in New York. 


9.58 Screened on Canal+ Cinéma on October 1st

The short film 9.58 directed by Louis Aubert will be screened on Canal+ Cinema on the first of October at 10.25pm in the selection Top of the Shorts.


New selection for 9.58 and Theo Christine nominated

9.58 the latest short of Louis Aubert has just been selected for the Jean Carmet festival of Moulins-Sur-Alliers. In addition, Theo Christine, the young actor who plays the main character, has been nominated  in the "young hopes perfomers in a short film" category.


First festival selection for 9.58

The short film directed by Louis Aubert will start its festival career during the 22nd Contis film Festival, next june.
